Monday, January 19, 2009

Blurty to Blogger...the great switch.

Blogs go in and out of style faster than fashion.

I started blogging, before they were "cool" and before they were "blogs". Maybe I was just unaware of the term, but back in 2000 people called them Online Journals. That was then and this is now.

My loyal account, used to be followed by a great gathering. Today it has about two. It's sad to see it go, because it houses a good eight years of my life on it. It's time to make the switch though.

Things are easier on It's more up-to-date and "cool". So here I am, following in step of it all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice pictures! One of mine is:

Read my articles and check the adds. All is good but not as good as yours.