This is why I love you:
Today we hiked Waimea....the entire way you called me Princess Aurora and insisted I call you Cinderella. On the off chance I forgot, you kindly reminded me, you were Cinderella not Lilia. We even found Snow White's cabin in the woods and had a lovely conversation with her and the 5 dwarfs (2 were taking naps).
You have a *imaginary friend* (I use this lightly because you know she/he isn't real), named "play dough". It was sick all day yesterday, today we threw it a surprise birthday party and made it a sandwich, that you ate.
You call me "honey" instead of "mommy" about half the time.
With all your heart, you still believe that someday you will learn how to fly. When that day comes you will be a true fairy princess. Several times a week you practice your flying....and in your own words "your getting closer and closer each day!"
Awww, SOOOO cute!!!
I love it. :) I can't wait for Christian and Sarah to talk to me like this. So far I just get yelled at that everything is YELLOOOOOOOW! haha
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