Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nuu'anu Falls and Judd Trail

We made a bucket list a bit ago and have started checking things off. One thing was to see Nuu'anu Falls via Judd Trail. The water level was higher than usual due to how much rain we've gotten recently. It kept us from reaching the end falls at "Jackass Ginger Pool". It was just too dangerous at one point with little kids. Had there not been kids/or the water level been normal we would have made it easily.

These falls were put on the bucket list, because of the rope swing which allows you to jump over the falls into the pool below. If that isn't something you should experience in Hawaii, what is?!

Never fear, while my hopes were dashed (I like to pretend they weren't)...I do realize I have one other chance at Maunawili Falls.

Anyways, here is what the Judd Trail looked like when we hiked. If you're a LOST fan you may recognize a bit from the show.

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