Friday, March 27, 2009

Cooking and Blogging

Could I possibly be a little too addicted to the computer, when I move it in the kitchen to network while I'm cooking?! Or maybe that just means I'm bad at cooking. Hmmmm....

It's day four post-surfing and I'm finally feeling better. I can move my arms in circles and lift things again. The bruises are subsiding...and I want to surf again now more than ever.

Sometimes I feel that working out and building muscles relaxes me afterwards, but then a few days later I feel more antsy than ever. It's like a drug that I NEED, or I start getting all twitchy.

(((Great...just realized I turned the wrong burner on for the water to boil. Guess I shouldn't blog and cook.)))

I found a new website to spend my money at. It is called

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I don't think blogging and cooking should go together. How would you explain that to the fire dept.
