Thursday, March 5, 2009

Let's get down to the nose of the matter...

I have a strong attraction to good smells. They affix to me and stay in my memory forever. Memories brought up from smells stir the fondest of memories. Old Spice original scent reminds me of my papa who has passed on. Happy Perfume will always make an image of my sister pop into my head. Vanilla reminds me of my childhood Saturday mornings eating Golden Delight Pancakes. The mall always smells like Abercrombie cologne. If you know me, you know I adore the mall. Retail is my form of therapy. So I was over joyed when Jon expressed interest in buying this cologne. We don't normally shop there, but this was a big deal. I wanted him to have this cologne. He bought it and at first was unsure about keeping it. My head was screaming "KEEP IT!" but I wanted him to make his own decision, as he is the one wearing it all day. Two days ago, he peeled open the bottle. I can't stop smelling him, but what is more lovely is I can't stop smelling my couch!! I spritzed some on the rug and couch cushions, to possibly evoke the smell of the mall upon entering the house. It's okay, I know I'm crazy...<3

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